The promise of Abraham was that his descendants would outnumber the stars. We couldn't find the stars that we were looking for so we decided to improvise. We cut out over 200 stars by hand out of small gold dinner plates:
The DOMA team spread the stars out throughout the stage and surrounding area to create an subtle atmosphere of the promise:
We also set out prints of some pretty amazing celestial photography:
This week the creative team created faux hieroglyphics in a graffiti stencil style to create an atmosphere for Abraham's small stint in Egypt. Here's a look at the results:
This creative element was for the Living Stones services this Easter. The message was, 'In the Gospel We Stand'. We decided to plant flowers and plants into shoes to represent the life that the Gospel brings coming from where we stand, our shoes. Here are some pictures:
For our Easter services this year we decided to 'go big' and really to try to 'spell it out' (the gospel) for the city. Well, we just went literally. About 300 large sized rocks were collected and moved to the side of a hill on the churches facing Robb Drive. (A fairly popular street, one of the handful of exits along I-80) and painted red at first and then rearranged and repainted Saturday evening.
From Wednesday to Good Friday the hill read, "HE DIED FOR YOU" Here are some photos:
Then we rearranged the rocks and repainted them white on Saturday evening before Easter Sunday to read, 'HE IS RISEN' Here are some photos:
After all of our Sunday services we gathered up all the rocks and built an Ebeneezer at the foot of the hill. A pile of rocks to represent what God has done for us as a church and as a people. Here are some photos of the altar: